We have the best technology.
We have a superior solution.
Our solution is the industry leader.
These were written on index cards by audience members from different companies in answer to the question, “What is your company’s primary differentiator?” and I was reading them aloud. The next three read:
We have the most experienced consultants.
We have a proven methodology and process.
We have unparalleled industry expertise.
I was still holding another 70 – 80 cards, all with something similar written on them. But I didn’t need to read very many of them for the group to realize how similar their supposed “differentiators” sounded. It highlights how difficult it is to truly differentiate ourselves in today’s highly competitive sales engagements if we don’t tailor and target our value messages to specific buyers.
Most sales reps tailor their value messages to the customer’s business or industry by incorporating appropriate vernacular and phrases (e.g., calling financial services customers “clients” or healthcare customers “patients”, etc.). And some even tailor to the appropriate industry or business by focusing on the business processes most relevant to that business or industry (e.g., “Let’s look at the client acquisition process”, or “Here’s what your new patient onboarding process will look like”). But ultimately, that’s just using buzzwords, not tailoring.
The best sales reps tailor their value messages to the customer’s specific business goals and objectives, linking their solution directly to what the customer is trying to achieve in their own business. They reference strategies, initiative names, and metric goals unique to the customer’s business plans.
Further, they tailor their value messages to specific roles or organizational levels – changing the value language and phrasing to match the typical language of senior executives vs. middle management vs. end users depending on who is present for the discussion. Ideally, they are even referring to specific individuals about specific benefits and value.
Finally, the best of the best sales reps are able to tailor their value messages based on a customer individual’s personal agenda and goals, ensuring that each customer buyer or influencer sees their personal “win” in the solution. How are your sales reps tailoring your value messages for specific customers and individuals?